The NLKD has a new website. The old website, which went live in 2008, was fine for that time, but as web technology and coding evolved, the website became harder to maintain and up date. The best solution is to rebuild the site. In the meantime here are the news update that should have been posted to the website.
To do this I will simply scroll through our North London Taekwondo Facebook page and repost stuff here that has already been posted there.
2014 GTI British Championship – 17 February
Great tournament notable because Mr Francois Onawelho-Loren came out of retirement for last tournament.
Breaking Videos
we did a lot of breaking videos. here are some
- Breaking Roof tiles
- Breaking Roof tiles (setup)
- Breaking Slo Mo (youtube) Breaking Slo Mo (Facebook)
- More Breaking Slo Mo plus some comedy
- Last footage of guys breaking
There were coloured belt grading which are normally held every 3 months
We hosted a Black belt Pre grading
M Pham and R Pham became Black Belts.
and here is a video they made for fun after classes – Youtube
And finally there was a tournament in July and a few of our Black belts are now listed in the GTI Black belt Ranking
I will update this if I remember anything else.