Nicholas Compete in Taekwondo Tournament in Italy

Firstly sorry for delay in posting this.

Nicholas was part of the GTI Squad and was selected to represent the GTI at the Italy World Championship. It was held in Northern Italy, Flamenco, Rimini on 25th to 28th June 2015. By being selected for the GTI squad, the GTI sponsors half the cost and the NLTKD was able to raise the balance of the sponsorship.

It was a 3 day trip which started when Nicholas (and his dad) flew out with the rest of the 19 man GTI squad from Stansted Airport to Bologna Airport From there they took a 1 hour coach to Rimini. They stayed in a 3 star Hotel Colibri. Nocholas won 5 medals. 3 silvers for individual sparring, team patterns and team special technique and won 2 bronze medals for team sparring and team power. His most memorable fight against a Japanese person and it ”was the toughest fight I ever had”.

Away from the competition, the GTI squad chilled out on the beach. Apparently “it was very hot and the squad had fun, but some people got sunburnt…” But they would go to train a bit for sparing and for team events.

Also Catherine,

Nicholas‘s sister, Catherine, was also in action shortly afterwards at the Unified ITF World Championships’ which started Friday 10th to Sunday 12th July in Hertfordshire, Hatfield . She won a gold medal for sparring. Her memorable fight was in the final, with a competitor who was taller and bigger than her. See for a video of the fight


Nicholas and Catherine are great students and ambassadors of the NLTKD. And have worked with many other instructors including Mr Chow (GTI Squad Leader), Mr Houlihan, (GTI Manor Park) and Mr Alagoa (London Chinatown Taekwondo)

Nicholas and Catherine have been select to enter the European Championships in Budapest this February 2016. Any and all sponsors are welcome.

Click here for more information on joining the GTI squad.

Posted in News.