We are Open but new phone number

We have reopened a while ago but forgot to update this website and the club has a new Instructor Mr Green. His number is 07985 521833.

We still get enquires for the club in Tottenham. This club has been taken over a while ago by Mr Houlihan 07910 788521.

NLTKD has reopened !!

The NLTKD as reopened after the lockdown we are trying to abide with all the Covid-19 rules. This means most training exercise observes social distancing and no contact. This means lots of cardio, patterns and line work. No self defence or sparring. 


First lesson was busier than expected. Mr Green taking the class. Many people are taller

As the club reopens, Mr Onipede will be stepping down as the Main instructor and will become a student. This is because he has moved to Enfield and difficult to be in Leytonstone twice a week. Mr Green will take over and Mr Onipede will attend as often as possible. Everything stays the same. 

Not Re-opening Soon

The NLTKD will re-open at some point but NOT soon due to the Gov restrictions to slow the spread of Covid-19

There are too many new rules to follow on the England’s team sport guidelines. Examples, 

  • all students need to be changed and ready to train before arrival at the hall.
  • Students won’t be able to mix socially before, during or after the class
  • students must remain socially distanced during breaks in training with spaced areas for equipment and refreshment storage for each individual
  • Not allowed to shake hands 
  • No face to face interaction with one another.
  • Social Distancing need to be maintained throughout the class.  
  • Students need to be in a group no more than 6 

There are a lot more rules in the England’s team sport guidelines. We either train with the new rules or break the rules and neither appeal to me

Therefore best to wait till the rules are relaxed. 


Coronavirus. WE ARE CLOSED

UPDATE: 29/07/2020

We will reopen hopefully in September.

Some martial arts clubs have already reopened. Currently, depending on venue, for a martial arts club or similar to open, all members have to maintain social distances, wear face masks and and wash hands in alcohol before training.
This would mean we can only do line work and patterns. No sparring, self defense or or any activity that will bring you in close contact with somebody.
No one has ever joined a martial arts club to do line work and patterns.
Therefore we will stay closed until after the summer holidays and hopefully open in September.

UPDATE 18/03/2020 Following the Government’s advise on Monday and today we are closing for 2 weeks and will review then.

The NLTKD has been in operation for many decades and will be back

Coronavirus. The current government advice has NOT asked schools, work, restaurants  or social clubs to close down. Therefore we shall remain open until further notice. We are mainly British and Londoners and should have we should stiff upper lip and have a cup of tea as we ride out this crisis. Also from what i can gather, the flu does not badly affect young and fit people as we have in our club.

I will continued to monitor the news and will shut if the government advises we close or any student is affected. 

Our next coloured belt grading is set for 22 June with Mast Tony Sewell and for now will be on schedule.

Also our club as had a Tiktok account since 2018, search for NLTKD

Mr Henryanto achieves 3rd Dan

Please join me in congratulating Nicholas Henryanto on achieving the rank of 3rd Dan. he was graded by the Global Taekwondo International Black Belt grading panel. The GTI Black belt grading panel for this grading consisted of 

  • Master Tony Sewell 8th Dan (Derby)
  • Master Paresh Bhadeshia 7th Dan (Cheltenham)
  • Mr Jason Burgess 6th Dan (Wells)

He, like all other previous North London Taekwondo (NLTKD) Black belts, are the best and keep the original NLTKD martial arts standards. A martial arts belt costs £2 but it is the skills and attitudes learnt that are much more important and Nicholas has both in abundance.

Nicholas Henryanto has trained with the NLTKD from a young child and has much as he has learnt Taekwondo, i have learn as an instructor. But a lot of credit must also go to his parents who have always supported and encouraged him and his sister, catherine in there training. 

Catherine could have graded and done equally as well but the GTI have different Black belts for juniors and seniors. Catherine, decided to wait till she is a senior, has Nicholas did, before taking her 3rd Dan grading. It would be good to she her get her 3rd dan, as a senior with the NLTKD

Mr Pat Houlihan takes over NLTKD Tottenham

It is with great sadness and reluctance that I have to stop teaching at the Tottenham branch.

I have been struggling for years with instructing 4 nights a week while doing a day job as a property developer. Also, I have TKD injuries on both legs from teaching 4 nights a week. I tried to have an existing Black Belt run the Tottenham club but I was unable to find anybody willing to commit to running the branch full time.

I have therefore asked Mr Pat Houlihan, who is a good instructor and ex-NLTKD member to take over the NLTKD Tottenham branch. He has an existing GTI club in Newhan, East London and a GTI squad member

The Tottenham branch is an active club and Mr Houlihan is experienced enough and has the time to improve the club more than I can. Over the last 3 lessons I have introduced the students and parents to the Mr Houlihan and from next week he will take over at Tottenham and no longer be a part of the NLTKD.

Other points.

  • I will continue to run the Leytonstone branch. 
  • Mr Houlihan lives very near to Tottenham branch, so easy for him
  • Mr Houlihan is known to Gladesmore school senior staff members
  • The Leytonstone venue booking is not easily transferred.
  • I work in east London so easy to reach the Leytonstone branch
  • My family normally meet at my mums on Friday evening for dinner and I would like to start attending.
  • I will have more time to simply maintain our NLTKD website which is always out of date.

I will miss not getting the senior student at Tottenham to Black belt after all the stresses they put me through but hope they continue training with Mr Houlihan and get their Black Belts for themselves. All fees will now have to be made payable to Mr Houlihan but you are welcome to train at the Leytonstone for free, especially during the school holidays.